Rural Green Open Space
There is no mention of open space or parks in GET 2.0. The most logical biome is T7 Intensive land-use systems in a rural setting.
Intensive land-use systems
biome is comprised these Ecosystem Functional Groups (EFG): Annual croplands, Sown pastures and fields, Plantations, Urban and industrial ecosystems, Derived semi-natural pastures and oldfields. Intensive land-use systems include major anthropogenic enterprises of cropping, pastoralism, plantation farming, and urbanisation. Human intervention is a dominating influence on this biome, also known as the ‘anthrome’. Maintenance of these systems is contingent on continuing human interventions, including alterations to the physical structure of vegetation and substrates (e.g. clearing, earthworks and drainage), the supplementation of resources (e.g. with irrigation and fertilisers) and the introduction and control of biota. These interventions maintain disequilibrium community structure and composition, low endemism and low functional and taxonomic diversity. Target biota are genetically manipulated (by selective breeding or molecular engineering) to promote rapid growth rates, efficient resource capture, enhanced resource allocation to production tissues, and tolerance to harsh environmental conditions, predators and diseases. Non-target biota include widely dispersed, cosmopolitan opportunists with short lifecycles. Many intensive land use systems are maintained as artificial mosaics of contrasting patch types at scales of metres to hundreds of metres. Typically, but not exclusively, they are associated with temperate or subtropical climates and the natural availability of freshwater and nutrients from fertile soils on flat to undulating terrain accessible by machinery. The antecedent ecosystems that they replaced include forests, shrublands, grasslands and palustrine wetlands (biomes T1−T4 and TF1). On global and regional scales, intensive land- use systems are engaged in climate feedback processes via alterations to the water cycle and the release of greenhouse gases from vegetation, soils, livestock and fossil fuels. On local scales, temperatures may be modified by human-built structures (i.e. heat-island effects) or may be artificially controlled.
Cultivated Area and/or Inland Un- or Sparsely Vegetated biome classification (in a rural setting).
Utilizes 2019 National Land CoverDatabase (NLCD):
Rural green open space areas where vegetation accounts for at least 80% of total cover (impervious surfaces account for less than 20% of total cover) and have a mixture of some constructed materials located in a rural setting. A rural setting is any area outside 2010 Census Urbanized Areas (population of 50,000 or more) or Urban Clusters (population between 2,500 and 50,000) definitions.192 Examples include rural parks and open space, open fields, and rangelands.
FEMA rural status is a project area outside an “urban” setting, as defined by the 2010 U.S. Census, by visiting this link. First, choose BVP 2020 from the “Select Vintage” drop-down box. Then, click the check box next to Urban Areas on the sidebar. Find your project area on the map and determine if it is located outside either an Urbanized Area or Urban Cluster.
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