Name Used: Pollination Services
Service Category: Regulating and maintenance services
Definition: Pollination services are the ecosystem contributions by wild pollinators to the fertilization of crops that maintains or increases the abundance and/or diversity of other species that economic units use or enjoy. This may be recorded as a final or intermediate service.
See Valuation Methods Appendix for Economic Value, Valuation Methods, and Metrics.
Name Used: Lifecycle Maintenance, Habitat & Gene Pool Protection
Service Category: Regulation and Maintenance
Definition: Lifecycle Maintenance, Habitat, and Gene Pool Protection refers to the natural processes essential for species propagation and survival. This includes pollination, quantified by the amount of pollen transferred and the type of pollinator involved; seed dispersal, measured by the amount of seeds and the dispersal agents such as animals or wind; and the maintenance of nursery populations and habitats, which also includes the protection of genetic diversity, assessed by the amount and source of individuals in these habitats. These functions are critical for the perpetuation of biodiversity and ecosystem health.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: included in definition
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: included in definition
ESVD 2020
Name Used: Pollination
Service Category: Regulating
Definition: Pollination as categorized by TEEB in ESVD include Pollination of crops, Pollination of wild plants, and Pollination (unspecified).
Economic Value Calculated: Yes
Valuation Methods: The ESVD 2020 report offers a total of 4,042 value estimates, with 89 specific to pollination. See the Valuation Methods Appendix.
Metrics: $/ha/yr; ESVD is working on other qualitative and quantitative metrics.
Name Used: Pollination
Service Category: Supporting
Definition: Pollinating wild and domestic plant species via wind, X insects, birds, or other animals
Economic Value Calculated: Yes
Valuation Methods: Market Price
Urban and Rural Green Open Space: The study by Pimentel et al. (1997) highlighted the significant economic value of pollination in the United States. Pollinators, including a variety of bees and other insects, flourish in natural areas like grasslands and prairies. These ecosystems contribute to increased yields in croplands, and their conversion to agricultural land negatively impacts local pollination services. The study estimated the economic value of pollination at approximately $40 billion per year in the U.S. This figure includes the benefits of pollination not only for crop yields but also for the increased value of insect-pollinated legumes used in cattle feed. To arrive at this number, the study collected data across approximately 990 million acres of agricultural land, extending their analysis to include the benefits of pollination originating from open green spaces adjacent to these agricultural areas.
Name Used: Pollination and dispersal of seeds and other propagules
Service Category: Regulating NCP (Regulation Of Environmental Processes)
Definition: Facilitation by animals of movement of pollen among flowers, and dispersal of seeds, larvae or spores of organisms beneficial or harmful to humans.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: Pollinator diversity, Extent of natural habitat in agricultural areas
Name Used: Pollination
Service Category: Provisioning
Definition: Pollination services are provided by three main mechanisms: animals, water, and wind. The majority of plants depend to some extent on animals that act as vectors, or pollinators, to perform the transfer of pollen.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods:
Metrics: Food production
TNFD Environmental Assets & Ecosystem Services
Name Used: Crop Pollination (Pollinator Abundance)
Service Category: Ecosystem Services, Agricultural Management
Definition: Focuses on the service provided by wild pollinators, particularly bees, for crops. Estimates insect pollinator nest sites, floral resources, flight ranges, and can attribute economic value to agricultural production.
Economic Value Calculated: Yes
Valuation Methods: Index of the contribution of bees to agricultural production based on bee abundance and crop dependence on pollination. Optional inclusion of managed pollinators.
Metrics: Pollinator nest sites, floral resources, flight ranges, pollinator abundance index, economic contribution to agricultural production.
Swiss Re BES Index
Name Used: Pollination
Service Category: Regulating Service
Definition: Represents the provision of adequate pollination of pollination-dependent crops by wild pollinators.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: Proportion Pollinated % as an indicator The ratio of the pollinated production to the pollination-dependent production.
Last updated