IUCN Red List Habitat Classification
The IUCN Red List Habitat Classification serves as a unified framework used by both the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems. Established in 1964, the Red List of Threatened Species is the world's most comprehensive source on the extinction risk of animals, fungi, and plants, and is an essential indicator of global biodiversity health. The newer Red List of Ecosystems assesses ecosystems' conservation statuses based on factors like risk of collapse and geographical distribution changes. Both lists employ the IUCN Red List Habitat Classification for standardizing habitat descriptions and the Red List of Ecosystems also uses the IUCN Global Ecosystem Taxonomy 2.0 for further classification. These tools offer rigorous, evidence-based analyses, assisting a diverse range of stakeholders—from government agencies to NGOs—in making informed decisions for biodiversity conservation and policy action.
Habitat Classification
1 Forest
1.1. Forest Boreal
1.2. Forest Subarctic
1.3. Forest Subantarctic
1.4. Forest Temperate
1.5. Forest Subtropical/tropical dry
1.6. Forest Subtropical/tropical moist lowland
1.7. Forest Subtropical/tropical mangrove vegetation above high tide level
1.8. Forest Subtropical/tropical swamp
1.9. Forest Subtropical/tropical moist montane
2 Savanna
2.1. Savanna Dry
2.2. Savanna Moist
3 Shrubland
3.1. Shrubland Subarctic
3.2. Shrubland Subantarctic
3.3. Shrubland Boreal
3.4. Shrubland Temperate
3.5. Shrubland Subtropical/tropical dry
3.6. Shrubland Subtropical/tropical moist
3.7. Shrubland Subtropical/tropical high altitude
3.8. Shrubland Mediterranean-type shrubby vegatation
4 Grassland
4.1. Grassland Tundra
4.2. Grassland Subarctic
4.3. Grassland Subantarctic
4.4. Grassland Temperature
4.5. Grassland Subtropical/tropical dry
4.6. Grassland Subtropical/tropical seasonally wet/flooded
4.7. Grassland Subtropical/tropical high altitude
5 Wetlands (inland)
5.1. Wetlands (inland) Permanent rivers/streams/creeks (includes waterfalls)
5.2. Wetlands (inland) Seasonal/intermittent/irregular rivers/streams/creeks
5.3. Wetlands (inland) Shrub dominated wetlands
5.4. Wetlands (inland) Bogs, marshes, swamps, fens, peatlands
5.5. Wetlands (inland) Permanent freshwater lakes (over 8 ha)
5.6. Wetlands (inland) Seasonal/intermittent freshwater lakes (over 8 ha)
5.7. Wetlands (inland) Permanent freshwater marshes/pools (under 8 ha)
5.8. Wetlands (inland) Seasonal/intermittent freshwater marshes/pools (under 8 ha)
5.9. Wetlands (inland) Freshwater springs and oases
5.10. Wetlands (inland) Tundra wetlands (inc. pools and temporary waters from snowmelt)
5.11. Wetlands (inland) Alpine wetlands (inc. temporary waters from snowmelt)
5.12. Wetlands (inland) Geothermal wetlands
5.13. Wetlands (inland) Permanent inland deltas
5.14. Wetlands (inland) Permanent saline, brackish or alkaline lakes
5.15. Wetlands (inland) Seasonal/intermittent saline, brackish or alkaline lakes and flats
5.16. Wetlands (inland) Permanent saline, brackish or alkaline marshes/pools
5.17. Wetlands (inland) Seasonal/intermittent saline, brackish or alkaline marshes/pools
5.18. Wetlands (inland) Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems (inland)
6 Rocky Areas (e.g., inland cliffs, mountain peaks)
7 Caves & Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic)
7.1. Caves and Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic) Caves
7.2. Caves and Subterranean Habitats (non-aquatic) Other subterranean habitats
8 Desert
8.1. Desert Hot
8.2. Desert Temperate
8.3. Desert Cold
9 Marine Neritic
9.1. Marine Neritic Pelagic
9.2. Marine Neritic Subtidal rock and rocky reefs
9.3. Marine Neritic Subtidal loose rock/pebble/gravel
9.4. Marine Neritic Subtidal sandy
9.5. Marine Neritic Subtidal sandy-mud
9.6. Marine Neritic Subtidal muddy
9.7. Marine Neritic Macroalgal/kelp
9.8. Marine Neritic Coral Reef
9.8.1 Outer reef channel
9.8.2. Back slope
9.8.3. Foreslope (outer reef slope)
9.8.4. Lagoon
9.8.5. Inter-reef soft substrate
9.8.6. Inter-reef rubble substrate
9.9. Seagrass (Submerged)
9.10. Estuaries
10 Marine Oceanic
10.1 Epipelagic (0–200 m)
10.2 Mesopelagic (200–1,000 m)
10.3 Bathypelagic (1,000–4,000 m)
10.4 Abyssopelagic (4,000–6,000 m)
11 Marine Deep Ocean Floor (Benthic and Demersal)
11.1 Continental Slope/Bathyl Zone (200–4,000 m)
11.1.1 Hard Substrate
11.1.2 Soft Substrate
11.2 Abyssal Plain (4,000–6,000 m)
11.3 Abyssal Mountain/Hills (4,000–6,000 m)
11.4 Hadal/Deep Sea Trench (\>6,000 m)
11.5 Seamount
11.6 Deep Sea Vents (Rifts/Seeps)
12 Marine Interdal
12.1 Rocky Shoreline
12.2 Sandy Shoreline and/or Beaches, Sand Bars, Spits, etc.
12.3 Shingle and/or Pebble Shoreline and/or Beaches
12.4 Mud Shoreline and Intertidal Mud Flats
12.5 Salt Marshes (Emergent Grasses)
12.6 Tidepools
12.7 Mangrove Submerged Roots
13 Marine Coastal/Supratidal
13.1 Sea Cliffs and Rocky Offshore Islands
13.2 Coastal Caves/Karst
13.3 Coastal Sand Dunes
13.4 Coastal Brackish/Saline Lagoons/Marine Lakes
13.5 Coastal Freshwater Lakes
14 Artificial - Terrestrial
14.1 Arable Land
14.2 Pastureland
14.3 Plantations
14.4 Rural Gardens
14.5 Urban Areas
14.6 Subtropical/Tropical Heavily Degraded Former Forest
15 Artificial - Aquatic
15.1 Water Storage Areas [over 8 ha](#)
15.2 Ponds [below 8 ha](#)
15.3 Aquaculture Ponds
15.4 Salt Exploitation Sites
15.5 Excavations (open)
15.6 Wastewater Treatment Areas
15.7 Irrigated Land [includes irrigation channels](#)
15.8 Seasonally Flooded Agricultural Land
15.9 Canals and Drainage Channels, Ditches
15.10 Karst and Other Subterranean Hydrological Systems [human-made](#)
15.11 Marine Anthropogenic Structures
15.12 Mariculture Cages
15.13 Mari/Brackish-culture Ponds
16 Introduced Vegetation
17 Other
18 Unknown
Last updated
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