Cultural & Spiritual
Name Used: Spiritual, Artistic and Symbolic Services
Service Category: Cultural Services
Definition: Spiritual, artistic and symbolic services are the ecosystem contributions, in particular through the biophysical characteristics and qualities of ecosystems, that are recognized by people for their cultural, historical, aesthetic, sacred, or religious significance. These services may underpin people’s cultural identity and may inspire people to express themselves through various artistic media. This is a final ecosystem service.
See Valuation Methods Appendix for Economic Value, Valuation Methods, and Metrics.
Name Used: Spiritual, Symbolic & Other Interactions with Natural Environment
Service Category: Cultural
Definition: Spiritual, Symbolic, and Other Interactions with Natural Environment covers the diverse ways in which humans engage with the natural world for non-materialistic benefits. This includes elements of living systems that hold symbolic, sacred, or religious meanings, each quantified by the type of living system or environmental setting involved. It also extends to elements used for entertainment or representation. Additionally, the category encompasses natural, abiotic features of the environment that facilitate such interactions, measured by their types and amounts. Together, these aspects underscore the intangible yet significant value that the natural environment holds for human well-being and cultural richness.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: included in definition
Name Used: Intellectual & Representative Interactions with Natural Environment
Service Category: Cultural
Definition: Intellectual and Representative Interactions with Natural Environment refer to the varied ways in which the natural world serves as a subject or platform for intellectual pursuits, cultural expression, and aesthetic experiences. This includes characteristics of living systems that facilitate scientific investigation or the generation of traditional ecological knowledge, as well as those that enable education and training. Both are quantified by the type of living system or environmental setting involved. Additionally, characteristics resonant in terms of culture, heritage, or aesthetics are also included, measured by the same metrics. Natural abiotic features that enable intellectual interactions are quantified by their types and amounts. Collectively, these elements illustrate how the natural environment is not just a resource for material use but also a rich source for intellectual and cultural enrichment.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: included in definition
ESVD 2020
Name Used: Spiritual Experience; Inspiration For Culture, Art & Design; Ornamental Resources.
Service Category: Cultural (Ornamental in Provisioning)
Definition: Spiritual Experience: Spiritual / Religious use; Inspiration For Culture, Art & Design: Artistic inspiration, Cultural use, Inspiration (unspecified). Ornamental Resources: Decorative Plants, Fashion, Decorations / Handicrafts, Pets and captive animals.
Economic Value Calculated: Yes
Valuation Methods: The ESVD 2020 report offers a total of 4,042 value estimates, with 8, 106, and 18 to the three categories respectively. See the Valuation Methods Appendix.
Metrics: $/ha/yr; ESVD is working on other qualitative and quantitative metrics.
Name Used: Cultural Value
Service Category: Information
Definition: Providing opportunities for communities to use lands with spiritual, religious and historic importance
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: n/a
Name Used: Supporting identities
Service Category: Non-material NCP (Non-Material)
Definition: Landscapes, seascapes, habitats or organisms being the basis for religious, spiritual, and social-cohesion experiences. This includes provisioning of opportunities by nature for people to develop a sense of place, belonging, rootedness or connectedness, narratives, rituals, and the source of satisfaction derived from knowing certain landscapes or species exist.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: Stability of land use and land cover
Name Used: Physical and psychological experiences
Service Category: Non-material NCP (Non-Material)
Definition: Provision, by landscapes, seascapes, habitats or organisms, of opportunities for physically and psychologically beneficial activities, healing, relaxation, recreation, leisure, tourism and aesthetic enjoyment based on the close contact with nature.
Economic Value Calculated: No
Valuation Methods: n/a
Metrics: Area of natural and traditional landscapes and seascapes
Not classified in ENCORE as it is considered a Cultural Service.
TNFD Environmental Assets & Ecosystem Services
Not classified in InVEST.
Swiss Re BES Index
Not listed as an ES category but does reference IPBES - NCP framework.
Last updated